
Days passes so quickly! Which is good when it’s during the week, and horrible when it’s during the weekends. But, at last, Friday it is again. Slightly hungover from a girls-goes-to-bars-with-one-girls-dad-and-get-f****. Or at least a bit beyond the tipsy stage. How great isn’t it, to hear my girlfriend, and later her sister, constantly saying “Dad, no! Don’t do that”. It cracked me up, and made me happy how that family maintain so close bonds, being able to drag a dad along with 5 girls on bodega’s and cocktail bars, him having a blast, being rebellious. And then the great part how some guys passing our tables made a loud enough, for one of us to hear, commment, on how awful it was to see these girls sitting with that old man just because he gives them beers. Hah! Two sides of one story.